Thermo F2 Multi Channal Pipette

Thermo F2 Multi Channal Pipette

48029 INR/Unit

Product Details:


Thermo F2 Multi Channal Pipette Price And Quantity

  • 1 Unit
  • 48029 INR/Unit

Thermo F2 Multi Channal Pipette Product Specifications

  • orange

Product Description

Rugged and Durable
Finnpipette F2 contains tough PVDF components that stand up to harsh chemicals and the damaging effects of UV light. Its rugged design withstands physical use without damage.

Fully Autoclavable

Decontamination of the Finnpipette F2 is simple as there is no need to disassemble the F2 for autoclaving, minimizing disruption and downtime.

Maintenance is Easy

Simply detach the tip cone for efficient daily maintenance or decontamination when not using an autoclave.

Super Blow-out

150% increase in air boost to ensure efficient delivery of micro-volumes and prevent capillary action in 50L models and below.

Wide Selection of Finntip Pipette Tips

Finntips are designed and manufactured expressly for Finnpipette models, enabling optimal performance, precision and accuracy.
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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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